The Holy Grail? Adwords Make Money Scheme's

Ever since Google established their advertising network in 2000, numerous Adwords make money schemes surfaced all over the internet. Google's advertising network is the largest on the internet and arguably the biggest advertising network in the world. To any aspiring internet marketer and entrepreneur this spells one thing: opportunity!
With Google advertising you can either buy ad space through Adwords or sell ad space through Adsense, and in recent years there has been countless clever strategies for profiting from both. Essentially, this is cheap traffic and the whole concept of bidding on keywords for advertising space is nothing short of ingenious.
So, how can you use Adwords to make money for yourself? Is there an easy way to make money by simply plugging into this vast advertising network? Instead of looking at specific tactics, let's look at the two most effective strategies of Adwords make money schemes. Within these strategies you can either use someone else's tactics or even invent your own to make money.
1.) Adsense Arbitrage:Popularized by Chris Carpenter with his book Google Cash, this is still one of the easiest ways to make money online. The concept is very simple, yet very effective. You buy cheap traffic and then you use it to sell expensive traffic. By using Adwords you buy traffic for as little as 0.05 cents and drive this traffic to your website where you sell advertising space using Adsense. Some keywords sell for as much as $40.00 per click and although it's quite tough in those high priced niches, the concept is extremely powerful. When this Adwords make money scheme was first released many a marketer made a fortune with very little effort. Today this method is much harder to make work, but the concept is still very valid and very effective. The tactics changed, but the principle is still the same. In fact, this is an age old concept – buy cheap and sell high and keep what’s left over.
2.) Direct Affiliate LinksOne of the best things about Google Adwords is that you can set up an advertising campaign in as little as five minutes and start getting traffic in as little as fifteen. The real challenge then is to first get a website up as you have to drive the traffic somewhere. But what if you can make money without a website? Effectively you can then set up an income stream in as little as 20 minutes and this income stream can continue to bring you a regular income without you doing much more work or maintenance.
This concept has been butchered and tailored many times over, and the most effective way to use it is to use direct affiliate links in your Adwords ads. If you can buy traffic and send it straight to someone else's website with your affiliate link, you will earn a commission. If your commission is greater than the money spent on the ad then you've made a profit and you can pretty much leave this income stream on autopilot. Chris McNeeney's Adwords Miracle is probably the best spin off of this highly effective Adwords make money scheme. This strategy can be incredibly tough to master, but once you do it is 'easy pickings'. Learning the finer ins and outs is absolutely critical if you are to succeed.
These two Adwords make money strategies are by no means the only one's, but they are two proven strategies that keep resurfacing in different tactics. Not only is it easy, but it's quite a quick way of making money online. Hence it's popularity, but the more popular a specific method, the less effective it becomes. It's important to develop your own system of what works for you. The tolerances with Adwords are extremely small and often a single word can make all the difference. Keep learning, keep testing and don't give up.
Article by Deon Du Plessis of Sincere-Advice.comIf you found this article useful and would like to learn more about making money with Adwords, visit to learn the Adwords secrets from the pro's.
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